With measurements: hips 96, waist 78, shoulders 117, chest 98, I took size M. Around the arms and hips, the material is VERY tight, and luckily also very stretchy, which may help with tearing. The start of the back is phenomenal, at 23 °C my back was cold. The collar is slightly low, the design is designed so that the zipper is fully closed. There is no rubber grip on the sleeves, and the one around the hips is not very effective and the shirt otherwise slowly climbs up if we change the position on the bike (aero tuck, hoods, riding upright without hands). The jersey could be an inch or two longer. Bottom line, I can say that the item exceeds expectations and I recommend the purchase!
Z merami: boki 96, pas 78, ramena 117, prsi 98, sem vzel velikost M. Okoli rok in bokov je zadeva ZELO oprijeta, a k sreči tudi zelo raztegljiva, kar pa bo morda pripomoglo k trganju. Začenje hrbta je fenomenalno, pri 23 °C me je zeblo v hrbet. Ovratnik je rahlo nizek, dizajn je mišljen tako, da je zadrga do konca zaprta. Na rokavih ni gumijastega oprijema, tisti okoli bokov pa ni zelo učinkovit in majica sicer počasi leze navzgor, če spreminjamo položaj na kolesu (aero tuck, hoods, pokončna vožnja brez rok). Dres bi lahko bil kak centimeter ali dva daljši. Pod črto lahko rečem, da je stvar nad pričakovanji in nakup priporočam!