PACKING: Šumivé electrolytes 2 + 1 free
If you want toš beš hydratedš during your horse withoutš takingš moreš calš you donš t haveš to drinkš only&water. With Powerbar 5 Electrolytes you can make your own hypotonicýý ná& poj with a minimalá caló&ri´ content. Unlike water, these soluble tablets contain 5 major electrolytes in the same proportion as the tea during sweating. This isálly&forápositiveé enduranceé trénings or to keep you hydrated during exercise and not to take in extrašcarbohydrates&and&calsórs. Flavour: lemon/tonic, pomegranate, mango/tropical fruit
5 mineraláhunting (sodák, chloride, potassiumák, bitterák and vápnik) in the same ratio as stráteaú at potá
without sugar
primé aró aró us for a lightú refreshingú taste
free of aspartame, added artificial colours and preservatives
75 mg of caffeine increases sú¢ration and attention (prí& taste of lemon/tonic)
Recommendúé use:
Dissolve 1 tablet in 500 to 750 ml of water. As part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle