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drink Powerbar FUEL 30 DRINK LEMON 608 g

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Maximise your športý vý kon with Black Line Powerbar products Powerbar Fuel 30 is a športý ná poj developed by ý tí mom scientists and professional športý professionals. This ioný contains 30 g of carbohydrates per serving in a ratio of 1:0.8 glucó to fructó, which according to current scientific knowledge contributes to increased carbohydrate oxidation and improved intestinal tolerance. Powerbar Black Line Fuel 90 is the ideal solution for šeníportšeaters who need reliableý reliableýand efficientá&energy source to support their performance and endurance even in the mostýá&annual&scaron&&á&conditions. Properties
  • Highý carbohydrate content: 30 g of carbohydrates in 1 serving provides rýchle and effectiveýenergy replenishment.
  • Optimum glucóó&to&fructó&ratio: 1:0.8 ratio for better carbohydrate oxidation and improved intestinal& tolerance, backed by scientificý&data.
  • Suitable for rôzne fázy tréning: Ideal for use before and during moderate to vigorous exercise, ensuring flexibility and versatility of use.
  • Compatibility with other Powerbar Black Line products:Can be combined with Iso Fuel 30 Lemon and Fuel Gel 30 Lemon with Caffeine to achieve the required 90 g of carbohydrates.
Safety and Certifications All Powerbar Black Line products areú listedú on the Cologne List® and have been testedú and certifiedú by Informed Sport (LGC) toú lú lú tú providingú portú ú ú level of safety and dôvery. Recommendúé use: 1 serving: Mix 32 g (2 scoops) in 500 ml of water. Drink 1-3 servings per hour as needed for moderate to high endurance exercise. A scoop is included in the package.
  • EAN: 4029679678200
Product code: 24850001