Instant drink for endurance and extreme sports activities. It is supplemented with caffeine and taurine to reduce fatiGUe and muscle weakness.
The ideal ratio of glucose and fructose allows better preservation of glycogen levels in the body. A simple solution in one bottle to cover all nutritional requirements during extreme performance.
Contains 320 mg of sodium and 50 mg of potassium in one serving. It complements well with other GU products, especially Roctane gels.
TAURINE: Improves muscle and heart function
CAFFEINE: For improved performance and fatiGUe reduction
COMBINATION OF TAURINE AND COFEINE: Compared to using alone, they mutually enhance each other's effects
BETA ALANINE: Increases muscular capacity
AMINOXYLINS: Reduce the risk of muscle damage and increase concentration
Lemon Lime (lemon/lime) with caffeine
Tropical fruit with caffeine
PACKAGE 780 g (12 doses of instant drink)