Karpos leg lifts are designed for cold, summer and transitional seasons. Elasticý materialá with&a&thin&layer&of&combed&fleece&on&the&outside&provides&light&heat&insulation,&partial&protection&from&wind&and&a& snug&fitting&fitting. The backá sideá is madeá of&a&permeable, meshá materialá whichá improvesá sweat&wicking&and&preventsá chafing&of&the&skin&at&the&back&of&the&knee. Thanks to the minimalistým zippers, the cyclo nálifts can be easily and rýchlo put on/taken off, even without the need to take off the leggings. Comfortable MTB nálifts for mild conditions.
Features of ná lifts
fineý, elasticý materialál
šformé flaté stitching for vänoší comfort
cross-linkedá part on the back
coverý, reversibleý zipper at bottom for easyše putting on/taking off
elasticé, silicónewé hems
reflectiveé elements
It is the náz of Sportful's technical outdooráclothing collection, which was created in 2007. It focuses mostä onskialpé, MTB andoutdooré clothing.