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Complaints Procedure is governing claim conditions between the operator / seller and the customer / buyer (hereinafter referred to as "CP")


Preliminary provisions:


  1. The operator (seller) of the online store holokolo.com is VELO FROGMAN LTD, Sofia Logistics Park, Abagar str 22, Sofia, 1138 Republic of Bulgaria.
  2. The customer (buyer) in the online store is anybody who sends an electronic order form for either product(s) or service(s).
  3. This Complaint Procedure regulates the legal relations between the operator and the customer, when handling complaints concerning the accuracy and quality of the goods and services provided by the operator.
  4. Complaint for the purpose of the CP is the right of the customer to enforce the liability for defects or faults in goods or services provided by the operator, which require a compensation for defective performance, respectively non-performance of the subject-matter of the contract.


Complaints procedure:


  1. Under this CP, an authorised person may file a complaint in writing or by e-mail.
  2. The complaint must show the below:
    1. Who is making the claim (name, surname, permanent residence address),
    2. The subject of the claim, or what the customer is seeking,
    3. To whom the claim is addressed,
    4. Complaint filing date,
    5. The customer’s signature or the authorized person‘s signature together with the Power of Attorney letter.
  3. In case of filing a complaint by an email or in writing by an authorised person on behalf of the customer, the complaint must be accompanied by a Power of Attorney letter to represent the customer in the claim.
  4. If the claim does not contain the particulars mentioned in point 2 of this article, it will be considered unjustified.
  5. The deadline for handling a claim is 30 days from the date of claim. The operator shall provide the client with a written document confirming the complaint status.
  6. The complaint date comes into effect on the day of claiming by the customer. The claim date is considered to be:
    1. Complaint letter – the day of delivery of the complaint letter to the address of the operator.
    2. Personal delivery – the date on the copy of the complaint letter to which the customer confirms delivery.
    3. Email complaint – the date of receipt of the email to the email address of the operator.
  7. Other legal relation between the operator and the customer not expressly regulated by these CP rules shall be governed by the respective provisions of individual contracts concluded between the operator and the customer, the relevant provisions of generally binding legal regulations valid in the Slovak Republic, respectively.
  8. The operator is entitled to change or amend the CP due to changes in legal regulations and business environment at any time. The operator shall determinate the current version of the CP by publishing updates on the website.


This CP comes into effect from 1st February 2019. The operator reserves the right to change the CP without prior notice.